Is there a Cookie Law in the US?

No, there is no broad federal “Cookie Law” in the United States regulating the use of tracking technologies like cookies. However, state laws like CPRA and VCDPA require that websites notify California and Virginia users of the categories of personal information being collected and allow users to opt-out of the “sale” of their data. The use of cookies and pixels for targeted advertising or cross-site tracking could qualify as a “sale” under CPRA or VCDPA.

Laws like CPRA also refer to dark patterns that are deceptive or manipulative user interface designs used to nudge users toward choices that benefit the business rather than respecting user rights and preferences. This applies to cookie banner designs.

So while there still isn’t an overarching federal cookie law in the US, these state laws do place significant regulations that apply to cookies and tracking technologies.

Read about cookie law in detail here.